  • Child Center Five
Age Group 2-5
Capacity 29
Use Zone 30'3 x 27'6
Fall Height 4'

Includes: Transition Platform, Car Panel, Window Panel, Shop Panel, Single Right Turn Slide, Safety Panel, Kid Roof, See Through Panel, Single Straight Slide, Tic Tac Toe Panel, Fish Climber, Clock Panel, Flower Panel, SIngle Step

Preschools, churches and religious organizations and childcare facilities often face challenges for providing age appropriate playgrounds that are fun, safe and cost effective for toddler and preschoolers. These playgrounds need to provide a lot of activity in a small space. The cost of purchasing, shipping and installation must be reasonable and budget minded. The CHILD CENTER series incorporates many of the elements you find on a school playground but at a scale and price point that fits. Employing fun and whisical play activities, CHILD CENTERS focus on cognitive learning, fine motor skills and social element. These elements are furnished to you in a smaller footprint to accommodate smaller play spaces. This facilities better line of sight for direct supervision. In addition to the smaller space requirement, you will enjoy the savings on price, shipping and installation costs versus standard sized playground equipment. CHILD CENTERS are skillfully crafted with 3.5" OD galvanized steel support posts that are encased in a blow molded plastic sleeve. All decking is blow molded plastic. Stairs, three dimensional plastic slides, panels, roofs and climbers are rotationally molded using virgin compounded resins that feature greater UV breakdown resistance than dry blended resins.

Child Center Five

  • Product Code: CD-05
  • $7,859.00

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